Dissecting Midlife Blog by Associate Dr. Deborah Lukovich

Dissecting Midlife: There's a Point to Unraveling   In this post, I write about the experience of midlife through the lens of individuation, a term coined by C.G. Jung, one of the founders of depth psychology – the study of the unconscious. You can think about individuation as the process of coming into relationship with all

2022-06-16T16:12:18+00:00June 16th, 2022|

“Dreams” by associate therapist Siarra Sens

“A dream is a piece of reality whose origin is personal but obscure, whose meaning is pregnant but uncertain and whose fate in the world of the waking-ego lies in our own hands.” - James Hall One thing that sets depth-psychotherapists apart from other therapists is that they work with dreams. In fact, they take

2022-05-28T23:19:46+00:00May 28th, 2022|

Love and Soul-Making Book Launch Reading at Pacifica

Please enjoy this book launch reading event at Pacifica Graduate Institute. I hope you will find Love and Soul-Making Searching the Depths of Romantic Love resonates for you, and if you want to purchase the book you can do so through Amazon. (note, you have to click on the play button to see the video...

2022-05-01T16:22:09+00:00April 29th, 2022|

Meeting the Wild Woman Course Live Q & A

Dear Wild Ones, We are all craving live connection these days. I am offering a live 1.5 hour Q&A over Zoom as part of the last module in the Meeting the Wild Woman Archetype course. This will be a small group offering and, as it is a bit of an experiment offering Zoom on my learning platform (be patient, please!), it is only $99 usd. This introductory course will jumpstart your relationship with the wild woman archetype, the soul image that is authentically, uniquely you! You will learn about storytelling, dreams, symbol and active imagination as ways of discovering her so that you can connect with your inner wild woman. This is the journey of becoming the authority of your life that will animate your creative spark and connect you with the world’s soul. The pre-recorded component includes: 7 modules 31 lessons 15 videos and exercises for you to do on your own. The first-time ever live component allows for you to integrate and deepen into the material from the course and is more affordable than individual therapy. Signing up now and start the course working forward to our live meeting. Live Zoom Meeting Q&A: Date: March 10 Time: 6-7:30 PM Pacific Time Sign up now for the entire course including Live Q&A: $99 USD See you March 10 at 6:00 Pacific Time!

2022-02-25T00:27:36+00:00February 25th, 2022|

Free Podcast – Wild Woman for @Goodness

I have written a few articles in the past for @Goodness publications based in Dubai; this time I was invited for a podcast interview with editor, Noor Tehini. In addition to defining archetypes, connecting with the Wild Woman, and fostering intuition, we also touched into how patriarchy and capitalism effect women's authenticity. It's a privilege

2021-04-23T16:33:17+00:00April 23rd, 2021|

Romantic Love — New Online Course

I've just launched a new online course, Psyche and Eros: the Psychology and Mythology of Romantic Love. 20% off with code Followers Romantic relationships are often laden with psychological expectations of mythic proportions. This course examines key relationship fairy tales and myths, including the myth of Psyche and Eros, as it mines the treasures of depth

2020-08-27T22:38:53+00:00August 27th, 2020|

International Women’s Day — Giveaway!

In honour of International Women's Day I'm giving away 1 FREE access code to the entire online course of Meet the Wild Woman, valued at $289 US. To sign up, visit drstaceyshelby.com/courses and register for the "free preview."  The winner will be selected from those names on March 8. This introductory online course will jumpstart

2020-03-05T00:06:40+00:00March 5th, 2020|

Women Leading Change Podcast (free)

Here is a recent interview on the Women Leading Change Podcast with skilled interviewer and wild woman, Laureen Card.  In it we discuss the wild woman archetype, patriarchy (not men!), relationships, sexuality, and the environment. I hope you enjoy listening. "By midlife a woman may become conscious of the ways culture has overdomesticated her, and she

2020-01-13T05:20:22+00:00October 6th, 2019|

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