Congratulations to the winners of the give-away for the full access to the Wild Woman online course for Women’s Day.

There were three contests running and all three winners have been notified privately.  Thank you for everyone who entered.  There is still time to save until April 1 to use the access code introductoryoffer to get 15% (the full value is $289 USD).

“As women, we are socialized from birth about who and how to be in the world, but by mid-life we are yearning to become who we can feel in our bones that we are… we want freedom to be ourselves. At midlife, I did my doctoral research on the wild woman archetype; afterward my research was published into a book titled Tracking the Wild Woman Archetype: A Guide to Becoming a Whole In-Divisible Woman. This online course introduces you to my research as way to jumpstart your rewilding process. It is convenient and accessible for modern women and is designed to help you reconnect with the wild woman that you were born to be.”

Sign-up for the FREE PREVIEW and if you feel inspired to engage, use the discount code introductoryoffer for 15% off until April 1.…/the-wild-woman-archet…