Making Suffering Meaningful, by Stacey Shelby, Ph.D.

The eventual achievement that our suffering has meaning makes suffering more bearable. The area of wounding is a direct route to the numinosum.  The archetype at the core is both the one that causes the suffering and is also the one that can cause the healing through increased consciousness of that area of suffering.  The

2019-12-20T09:07:45+00:00November 23rd, 2014|

Patriarchy, by Stacey Shelby, Ph.D.

I think it is important to become aware of the patriarchal dominant operating within the psyche in order to differentiate it from a new masculine perspective.  I believe this moves toward the father and mother complex and both of those need to be resolved for the emergent feminine, anima, and the new masculine, animus within

2019-12-20T09:07:49+00:00November 23rd, 2014|

Eros & Psyche, by Stacey Shelby, Ph.D.

By Stacey Shelby, Ph.D. I want to turn to the fourth task in the myth of Eros and Psyche.  Psyche’s fourth and final task given to her by Aphrodite is to descend to the underworld and meet the great goddess, Persephone.  Psyche is to ask Persephone for a cask of her beauty ointment and bring

2019-12-20T09:07:54+00:00November 23rd, 2014|

Wu Wei (Inaction), by Stacey Shelby, Ph.D.

By Stacey Shelby, Ph.D. The Secret of the Golden Flower, translated and explained by Richard Wilhelm, commentary by C.G. Jung(1931), explores the esoteric Chinese text, which was first printed in the eighteenth century, but is thousands of years old originating in an oral tradition. Wilhelm invited Jung to write a commentary on this text as

2019-12-20T09:07:59+00:00November 23rd, 2014|

Perfection vs. Wholeness, by Stacey Shelby, Ph.D.

What is this wholeness that Jungians talk about of which the Self is the ordering principle?  How is it different from perfection?  We cannot talk about wholeness without also talking about individuation, “Jung called the journey toward wholeness the ‘process of individuation’” (Storr, 1983, p. 19).  Jung wrote (CW 9i, paras. 489-524): “I use the

2019-12-20T09:08:13+00:00November 22nd, 2014|

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