How to interpret our dreams To get a true sense of who we are, become more complete and integrated human beings, we must set up communication with our unconscious. In my first two blogs on dreamwork, I spoke to the two most important steps in setting up communication with the unconscious—first, by valuing our dreams,

2022-12-04T01:14:57+00:00December 4th, 2022|


Blog – How to remember our dreams There are reasons why it may be hard for you to recall your dreams. Perhaps your parents hushed away your nightmares by telling you they were “only dreams.” Or maybe you had a series of scary or uncomfortable dreams and now you blocked dream-recall. Most commonly, you may

2022-09-01T15:38:03+00:00September 1st, 2022|

Dissecting Midlife Blog by Associate Dr. Deborah Lukovich

Dissecting Midlife: There's a Point to Unraveling   In this post, I write about the experience of midlife through the lens of individuation, a term coined by C.G. Jung, one of the founders of depth psychology – the study of the unconscious. You can think about individuation as the process of coming into relationship with all

2022-06-16T16:12:18+00:00June 16th, 2022|

Romantic Love — New Online Course

I've just launched a new online course, Psyche and Eros: the Psychology and Mythology of Romantic Love. 20% off with code Followers Romantic relationships are often laden with psychological expectations of mythic proportions. This course examines key relationship fairy tales and myths, including the myth of Psyche and Eros, as it mines the treasures of depth

2020-08-27T22:38:53+00:00August 27th, 2020|

Tracking The Wild Woman: A Process in Individuation, by Dr. Stacey Shelby

Defending my dissertation in Oct. 2014.   ABSTRACT Tracking the Wild Woman Archetype: A Process in Individuation by Stacey Shelby   This alchemical hermeneutic study describes, interprets, and relates to the  "wild woman” archetype.  It examines the experience of how a woman may choose to express her sexuality and possible relationship(s) as she integrates this

2019-12-20T09:07:36+00:00December 19th, 2014|

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